Re Bilski's Briefs
Software Freedom Law Show episode 0x17
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Bradley and special guest co-host, Aaron Williamson, discuss all about the amici briefs filed in the Bilski Supreme Court case.
Running time: 01:19:14.Show Notes
Segment 0 (00:33)
- Aaron Williamson is the co-host this week, filling in for Karen Sandler. (01:10)
- Bradley discussed the differences between Classic Latin pronunciation Church Latin pronunciation. (03:30)
- Bradley pointed out that declined language. (04:40)
- Aaron explained what an amicus curiae brief. (06:30)
- Bradley mentioned that we also discussed the lower court's decision in Bilksi case in Episode 0x01. (06:53)
- Aaron explained what it means for the Supreme Court to “grant cert”. (07:44)
- Aaron explained the details of the Benson case. (11:05)
- Aaron explained what dicta is, and discussed some of the dicta in Benson. (11:54)
- Aaron discussed the details of the Flook case. (13:50)
- Aaron explained the Diamond v. Diehr case, which discussed patents on vulcanized rubber. (16:30)
- Aaron discussed the State Street Federal Circuit case. (22:30)
- Bradley mentioned that the Benson case reminds him of Benson, the television show. (30:05)
Segment 1 (33:52)
- Aaron described the arguments in SFLC's Bilski amicus brief. (35:15)
- Aaron mentioned the Feist copyright case, which shares a name with a musician. (41:40)
- Bradley encouraged the listeners to convince Feist to write a song about Feist. (43:40)
- Aaron discussed Larry Lessig's Eldred case. (45:10)
- Aaron mentioned that Eldred was attempting to overturn the Sony Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (45:42)
- Aaron discussed the FSF's Bilski amicus brief, which goes into greater detail of the negative impact of patents on Free Software. (52:20)
- Aaron and Bradley discussed the Red Hat's amicus brief (PDF), which is mostly supportive of Free Software. (55:00)
- Aaron and Bradley discussed how IBM's Bilski brief (PDF) is unfriendly to Free Software (57:20)
- Aaron and Bradley discussed how the Hollaar/IEEE brief (PDF) specifically attacks Free Software. (61:00)
- Bradley mentioned the Quagaars from the Red Dwarf episode, “Waiting for God”. (66:05)
- Bradley mentioned again that patent reform isn't helpful, and referenced Stallman's essay, Patent Reform is not Enough. (71:22)
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